Build your decentralized data network. Fast.



A decentralized data network is a credibly neutral, byzantine fault tolerant computing platform that is optimized for large datasets and high throughput.



A decentralized data network is a credibly neutral, byzantine fault tolerant computing platform that is optimized for large datasets and high throughput.

Kwil is Network Infrastructure for DDNs

Deploy in Minutes, Not Months

  • One Command Deployment: Anyone can boostrap a Kwil network with just one command.
  • Trustless By Default: Networks are byzantine fault tolerant, meaning that they can be run and operated by parties that do not need to trust each other.
  • Permissioned or Permissionless: Networks can be permissioned, only allowing certain nodes to join, or permissionless, allowing any node to join.

Deploy in Minutes, Not Months

  • One Command Deployment: Kwil allows you to bootstrap  your own data protocol with just one command.
  • Trustless By Default: Nodes are byzantine fault tolerant, meaning that they can be run and operated by parties that do not need to trust each other.
  • Permissioned or Permissionless: Networks can be permissioned, only allowing certain nodes to join, or permissionless, allowing any node to join.

Build with SQL

  • Robust Database: Each node runs PostgreSQL under the hood, the most robust open-source relational database.
  • Smart Contract Language: Database schemas are powered by Kuneiform, Kwil’s smart contract language designed specifically for a RDBMS.

Build with SQL

  • Robust Database: Each node runs PostgreSQL under the hood, the most robust open-source relational database.
  • Smart Contract Language: Database schemas are powered by Kuneiform, Kwil’s smart contract language designed specifically for a RDBMS.

Extend Network Functionality

  • Bring Your Own Token (BYOT): Bring your project’s token from any chain, and use that token for protocol payments.
  • Built-in Oracles: Nodes have a built in oracle system, allowing the network reach consensus on external events.
  • Pluggable Authentication: Networks support custom cryptographic signature schemes, allowing a network to be interoperable with any ecosystem wallet.
  • Embedded Compute: Custom modules and precompiles can be added to the protocol, allowing any sort of deterministic compute.

Extend Network Functionality

  • Bring Your Own Token (BYOT): Bring your project’s token from any chain, and use that token for protocol payments.
  • Built-in Oracles: Nodes have a built in oracle system, allowing the network reach consensus on external events.
  • Pluggable Authentication: Protocol authentication is highly configurable, allowing your network to be interoperable with any other blockchain ecosystem wallet (EVM & Non-EVM).
  • Embedded Compute: Compute modules can be built into the protocol, allowing network-level deterministic compute.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am familiar with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. How should I think about Kwil?
I am familiar with the Cosmos SDK and Substrate. How should I think about Kwil?
What use cases are a good fit for Kwil?